Part 03 - Navigation.
Moving around the Scene
The mouse selects objects by default.
The Left button will attempt to cycle through all the objects under the cursor, it's not really that good at it and in complex scenes it's best to use the Hierarchy to select objects.
The Middle button moves the scene.
The Right button rotates the view around the viewer.
Press Alt and the Left mouse button will rotate around the currently selected object.
Alt+Left Ctrl + Left mouse will move the view
Basic tools in Unity
From the left
The "Hand Tool", will change to an "Eye" when holding down Alt. This is the tool to use to navigate around
The "Move Tool". Selects and moves objects around the scene.
"Rotation Tool" gives the tools to rotate objects
"Scale Tool" enables scaling of objects
"Rect Tool" surrounds objects with a rectangle which allows for dragging an object and scaling them using a rectangle, mainly useful for 2D operations.
A Combined tool, allows movement, scaling and rotation in one.
More posts in this series.
- Part 01 - Installation
- Part 05 - Building a project
- Part 06 - Adding some plugins
- Part 07 - Creating some objects
- Part 08 - Physics
- Part 09 - Pushing things & animation
- Part 10 - Pushing coins
- Part 11 - Custom Scripting
- Part 12 - Spawning things
- Part 13 - It is still too fast
- Part 14 - Coins are piling up
- Part 15 - Materials
- Part 16 - User control
- Part 17 - Keyboard input - Fire
- Part 18 - Keyboard input - Movement
- Part 19 - Deleting Coins
- Part 20 - Walls
- Part 21 - Adding a GUI
- Part 22 - Adding the GameController
- Part 23 - Scoring links with events
- Part 24 - Refining the Game - Part 1
- Part 25 - Refining the Game - Part 2
- Part 26 - Refining the Game - Part 3
- Part 27 - More refinements
- Part 28 - Slowing the user down
- Part 29 - Some more changes